Polizeihistorische Sammlung
  - Großbritannien



Essex                                                                                        Northamptonshire

South Wales Constabulary                                               Leicestershire Constabulary
in der Form "Coxcomb"                                                      in der Form "Balltop"

Sussex Constabulary, Form "Rosetop"


Schottland                                               Sussex                                   Northern Ireland

Uniform der"South West Region Police Forces"komplett

Diese Uniform wurde ausgeliefert in 1995,sie wird getragen in den Grafschaften:

This uniform was introduced in 1995 and worn in the following counties.....

- Devon &Cornwall
- Avon & Somerset
- Wiltshire
- Dorset
- Hampshire
- South Wales
- Gloucestershire

Der Bobbyhelm der "South Wales Constabulary" gehört nicht mehr zu dieser Uniform. Die UK-Polizei ist dabei, die Helme abzuschaffen und nur noch Mützen zu verwenden.

The Bobby’s helmet of the South Wales Constabulary is no longer worn with this uniform. The UK Police are about to abolish these helmets and use caps only.



Schottland   Commander                                            Schulterstück: Kennummer


Schottland komplett

Sonstiges / others

IPA British Section


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